You can redeem coupon codes/rewards from the Square app by searching for your customer’s reward code, receipt email address or phone number.
Apply a Coupon Code/Reward to a Current Sale:
Visit your item library by tapping this symbol:
- Tap Redeem Rewards.
- Enter your customer’s 6-digit reward code (found in their email), email address, or phone number to search for available rewards.
Note: All customers that receive a reward will receive a 6-digit coupon code. If your customer does not have their reward code, tap “Search for rewards“and enter the email or phone number they use for receipt delivery.
- Select rewards to apply them to your customer’s cart. Multiple rewards of different types can be applied at the same time. For example, you can apply a reward for a percentage, and additionally a reward for a dollar amount on a single sale. If only one reward is available, that reward will automatically be applied. A single reward cannot be applied to more than one sale, even if the full reward is not redeemed.
Note: A punch card needs to be complete in order for the reward to be searchable in the Square app. If rewards are unavailable, No Matches Found will appear.
You can also view or remove rewards applied to a sale from the app’s payment screen. To do so, tap Discounts from your current sale to show the applied rewards and/or to remove them from the sale.